Software Development Engineer
Products Department
Can you introduce yourself in a few words?
- Name Marame Taww NDIAYE
- Function Software Development Engineer
- Seniority at Everteam: 1 year
What does your job involve? What qualifications, qualities and skills does it require?
Our service develops the functionalities of the applications. I work mainly on the Everteam.discover application. We are in charge of adding new features and maintaining the product.
You have to know how to do Java, know the GUI (presentation) with Angular technology. The ideal is to have the double competence, which is my case. We call this Full-stack developer, able to deal with the Front-End (presentation) and the Server part (Back end).
The Discover product allows you to index documents and perform advanced searches on this content. There are several connectors to connect to a data source, to extract the content and exploit it.
Example Exchange, Sharepoint, Files systems.
It is the first time I work on this type of product and associated technologies such as SOLAR (storage of information and research on documents), Kafka (BUS allowing micro services to communicate with each other) . So I have increased my skills to be able to work on the projects.
What is your basic training?
Master 2 in Information Technology: web and database development.
Why working for a software company?
It was a choice, because I used to work for a service company (ESN). It seemed to me a different alternative with more stability.
In ESN, we do many things on many missions. What interested me in joining Everteam was to work on a smaller scope.
Does this job correspond to the image you had of it?
It’s quite different from what I imagined, because the way Everteam works is different from what I had known in ESN, where, for example, there may be people dedicated to specifications and others to development. There are various stages segmented over several people. At Everteam, we can be involved in these different stages.
This requires the ability to work in a team, in project management mode. Every morning, we have a meeting with the team members. Everyone explains what they have done and what they plan to do. This allows us to know where we are at each stage.
In what areas does your job and your skills have an impact on the life and/or development of the company?
Like all developers, our contribution is the quality of what we produce. This will have an impact on the development of the company.
What advice would you give to a young person, for example, who would like to do this job? or to a person in retraining?
- Be curious about technology and keep up to date
- Monitoring (often on personal time): this is really important, it is what allows you to progress on your skills
Parity : I don't see a difference. I am a female developer in a team of men, and: we are all developers.
I don't feel there is a difference in treatment, we are all equal. It is a question of competence.
Advice to young girls or young women: if you like technique, go for it! You have to do what you love.