Everteam Lab
The Everteam’s Lab is recognized as a private research organization by the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation.
It has various activities as follows:
Technical watch
The technical watch aims at anticipating and understanding the new trends in development, architectures, programming languages and tools.
The Lab internally recommends innovative ideas to the internal Everteam’s development teams.
Its main focus is on deep learning applied to the NLP and Computer Vision tasks.
Proof of Concept
The Lab’s Team first implements its new ideas and new research results in the field of PoC (Proof of Concept) that sometimes requires consideration of significant data volumes.
The Origin of some new "software" modules
Beyond the PoCs, the Lab’s team finds solutions to certain technical locks, which sometimes become the origin of some Everteam software new modules:
- The multilingual semantic search engine
- The ML Automatic Document Categorization features
- NLP features (NER, semantic extent, translation, near-duplicates)
Supervision of theses
Currently two students respectively work with our Lab on a thesis in the field of Healthcare integrating NLP, ML and Deep Learning.
Research Partnerships
With universities and 3rd party companies on research projects
- The Everteam’s Lab works on a Research Program in collaboration with the Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University and the izyCardio Compan’
The lab brings high expertise in the fields of AI, NLP, and Search Engine.