Electronic, physical or mixed archiving systems
Electronic Archiving Solutions & System (EAS)
In a context of exploding digital content volumes, the implementation of retention schedules and policies guaranteeing thorough information governance is essential.
Through a single solution, manage the archiving of your information assets, regardless of their initial support:
- A single platform to manage electronic, paper or mixed archives.
- A governance tool for the corporate information assets suiting the needs for long-term preservation and security of binding documents, as well as the preservation of large volumes of data or documents.
- A response to needs of regulatory obligations, application decommissioning, or production application clean-up.
- Manage any type of content regardless of the nature (file or data) or support (physical or electronic).
- Quickly find the useful information regardless of the volume.
- Anticipate changes in the information systems, especially in terms of integration and security.
- Preserve the corporate information assets
- Ensure compliance with the standards and legal regulations in force
- Have an audited solution compliant with state-of-the-art security practices (OWASP).
- Features:
- Combination of physical and electronic archiving of documents and data
- Management of third-party storage service-providers
- A governance framework adapted to complex organizations
- Unified search and download of archives
- Integrated security
- Integrated bulk capture
- Search on archived data.
- Options:
- Optional connectors to automate archiving: SAP, O365 (SharePoint Online / Teams), Exchange Messaging System, File System
- Applications:
- Cross-enterprise records management
- Bulk electronic archiving of all the information system data and document that need
to be preserved - Archiving with probative value of the accounting files and documents, the HR files and documents …
- Corporate physical archive management
- Compliance with the local and international standards: NF Z42-013, NF461 / ISO 14641-1, ISO 15489, OAIS
- Cover the constraints related to: Solvency 2, AMF GR, Basel 3, DGI Bulletin 13-L1-06, GDPR, …
- Guarantee, over time, the ability to access a document with probative value
- Guarantee that the probative value of the document has not been altered.
- Ensure the readability of the document
- Allows document archiving with or without probative value
- Format control and conversion into the authorized formats (e.g. PFD/A)
- Generation of a digital fingerprint on deposit
- Generation of a digital fingerprint on search and control in comparison to the original print
- Management of obsolete formats (Conversion to new formats)
- Log of all treatments and actions done on documents
Archiving with probative value
Since 2000, the following French laws provide electronic document signatures the same legal value as a handwritten signature:
- Act No. 2000-230 dated March 13, 2000 adapting the law on information technology probative value and related to electronic signatures.
- Its application decree n° 2001-272 dated March 30, 2001.
Since 2010, the concept of digital signature, defined as the digital preservation of a
handwritten signature produced via a touch screen, has been introduced into the French law through the Article R 249-11 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.
Since July 1, 2016, the digital signature is officially recognized in Europe since the eIDAS (electronic identification and trust services) regulation is implemented. This signature has the same status and legal effects as its handwritten equivalent.
- Features:
- Compliance with the standards requirements: NF Z42013, ISO 14641-1 and NF 461
- Integrated cryptographic mechanism for:
- Sign and verify the integrity of files
- Sign and verify the integrity of metadata
- Sign and verify the integrity of traces
- Sign and verify the integrity of logs
- Traceability of actions
- Log
- Y-archiving (solution-driven double deposit)
- Reversibility of archives
- Applications:
Archiving with probative value of accounting files and documents, HR files and documents
Management of the corporate physical archives
Compliance with the standards: NF Z42-013 and ISO 14641-1, ISO 15489, OAIS
- Options:
- Optional connectors to SAP, O365 (SharePoint Online / Teams), Exchange
Messaging System, File System
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