Documation 2022: summary of our conferences
- Nicolas d'Ambrosio
Here is what you should know: Summary of Everteam Documation 2022 conferences
Eradicate your numerical bulk thanks to practical advice and effective tools. Overview of risks and issues.
- Émeline Reggidori, Consultant in dematerialization – Cabinet XDemat
- and Noureddine Lamriri, VP Product Marketing – Everteam
Animation: Clémence Jost – Serda Archimag Group
During this conference, the objective was to introduce the topic of digital practices in order to better define what a bulk is and how best to implement the treatment from a methodological and practical point of view
The various cases of use noted of the treatment of a numerical bulk take the form
- of a classic network drive,
- of a recovery of documents that were in a digital work and that we have the ambition to move in one or more years,
- in a document silo system, an archiving system or even an EDM system
- Finally, in a last case, in a logic of clean-up and maintenance of the digital over time.
To synthesize, we find ourselves
- or in a logic of treatment of a punctual bulk in order to decommission completely,
- or in a logic to migrate a digital bulk to another system,
- or in a logic where the bulk will last.
But you need the right approach to be able to maintain it at a good level of quality over time, which is not quite the same thing.
The idea was to make a comparative overview as objective as possible on the main bulk analysis tools found on the market.
Three open source products: Archifiltre, Octave and Resip are three tools that will allow to process numerical queries with some variants. There is not necessarily an obvious and systematic complementarity between these three tools.
- These are tools that are not intended to manage very large volumes and that can be deployed fairly easily.
- They are available free of charge.
The fourth product is the everteam.discover tool, published by Ever Team. It is a tool that will be on the same theme, with a number of distinctions and contributions vis-à-vis open source digital bulk solutions.
- It will be able to manage much larger volumes,
- It will allow to answer use cases that open source tools do not cover such as digital bulk analysis on silos such as SharePoint
- It will also address features that these tools do not offer, such as personal data detection, or the ability to perform searches.
- discover has the ability to manage the lifecycle in digital bulk, in addition to migration and remediation functions.
what to remember:
With regard to this bulk cleaning strategy, we can see that there are different types of solutions depending on the volume problems and the type of treatment you want to carry out.
Feedback on the implementation of an electronic archiving system at ORANO
- Jean-Mathieu Bonnefous, Orano Group Record Manager and CR2PA representative
- Noureddine Lamriri, VP Product Marketing – Everteam
Animation: Clémence Jost – Serda Archimag Group
The main objective of this conference was, as the title indicates, to provide feedback on the implementation of an archiving system at Orano. This is a large-scale project, innovative and which allows to offer a testimony on a very concrete experience of implementation of an electronic archiving system. It also combines the consideration of specificities specific to the management and governance of information.
Project background
From the outset, Orano focused on better data governance, and in this dynamic decided to carry out a project to manage structured documents in a transverse manner.
The team in charge of the project has identified several assets by the implementation of an archiving system, by also integrating a management dimension:
- to optimize its operational performance,
- enable the group to adapt to future developments, particularly in terms of digital formats, as well as in terms of its obligation to secure its information assets,
- beyond the heritage dimension, to improve the value of the information that Orano possesses.
There were several defined objectives.
- guarantee the durability and demonstrate that document conservation within the Orano group is based on a conservation policy and not linked to individual initiatives,
- demonstrate compliance with the obligations to which the Orano Group is subject,
- give an image of transparency to the control authorities.
At the operational level, the group is organized on a long process finally rather simple: the documents are selected and sorted, qualified then, they are stored to guarantee their conservation and at the end of their life cycle, what can be destroyed, are eliminated.
To meet all these obligations, Orano has set up a project called Alexandria. This project aims to
- from a technical and functional point of view, to meet a certain number of key principles
- from a software point of view,
- to allow the description and application of the archiving policy
- to offer functionalities that allow archives to be retrieved, described and deposited, and to finely manage rights and authorizations,
- to be able to manage the main processes related to archive management, to be aligned with the software requirements of the NFZ 42013 standard.
Things to remember:
On a project like Orano’s,
“it’s important at the internal records management department level to have strong support throughout the project from the beginning, to have sponsors and departments that understand the value of the project that’s going to be implemented and to keep them informed of those goals, throughout the project.”
- Do not run the project in isolation, but manage it globally as an enterprise-wide information governance project.
- It also means having a transdisciplinary approach and being able to call upon the necessary skills as the project evolves.
- Also work and communicate around the referral network.
“You must always try to have a realistic vision of the project, not hesitate to rework the schedule, to adjust your ambitions at the technical and functional level, and to always listen and find the best balance, the best consensus. In the end, to get the best possible result within the deadlines, depending on the means and software available.
System files, shared network drives, collaborative tools and messaging. It becomes urgent to govern their content.
- Adrian Ciocan – GED Product Owner _ La Maif Group.
- Noureddine Lamriri – Everteam
The title is quite explicit and finally concerns, once again, a conference around digital books, either on the system, or on shared networks, or on collaborative tools or messaging
The idea here is to turn this conference mainly around the analysis of the market and the observation within the companies around these main digital bulk. And then to have a testimony from Maif on an example of digital bulk processing.
Market analysis
According to the study made by SERDA, presenting the evolution of the volume of information from 2010 to 2025, the flows increase and the curve is exponential. SERDA 2022 report .
Another observation made by the Basecap Analytics site which specifies that in companies, the distribution on is done in the following way:
- 15% of critical data that exists today in companies and is clearly identified.
- 33% of the data that companies possess is absolutely useless, which they manage at their expense
- 52% that is unclassified information that is not known, that today is kept because it is unknown, because it can potentially hold critical data. As a result, companies are driven to keep that information in the narrative at the major points of concern or major points of interest.
(link to Noureddine’s slides) https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1AMAW9jIL9SLTYw9YUddwmy0rz6TMW2Pp/edit#slide=id.p1
How Maif handles its digital bulk
MAIF, in the context of its activity, has paper archives, which can be described as bulk:
- misfiled documents,
- paper documents, little writing
- Many of the documents were contracts that had expired but were still kept because we were not able to know which documents to keep and which to destroy.
- areas of non-compliance with MAIF obligations
- we keep information for nothing.
Maif’s choice was to go digital
The objective: that all these digitized documents are then stored in an organized way in digital format, in a system that allows to preserve and secure these documents.
Points to remember within this project:
- more than 3 million sheets
- 15% were recycled and destroyed,
- 25% were kept in paper format,
- 60% in digital format, which represents a volume of two teras and which has been compressed by 55%.
“This has allowed MAIF to make a certain number of savings on storage space, to reduce risks by no longer keeping documents that were no longer necessary, and to increase efficiency in the medium and long term by having documents that are in a permanent format in PDF format.
And also having ways to access that information that are much more convenient, faster and efficient.”
Here is what you should know: Summary of Everteam Documation 2022 conferences
Eradicate your numerical bulk thanks to practical advice and effective tools. Overview of risks and issues.
- Émeline Reggidori, Consultant in dematerialization – Cabinet XDemat
- and Noureddine Lamriri, VP Product Marketing – Everteam
Animation: Clémence Jost – Serda Archimag Group
During this conference, the objective was to introduce the topic of digital practices in order to better define what a bulk is and how best to implement the treatment from a methodological and practical point of view
The various cases of use noted of the treatment of a numerical bulk take the form
- of a classic network drive,
- of a recovery of documents that were in a digital work and that we have the ambition to move in one or more years,
- in a document silo system, an archiving system or even an EDM system
- Finally, in a last case, in a logic of clean-up and maintenance of the digital over time.
To synthesize, we find ourselves
- or in a logic of treatment of a punctual bulk in order to decommission completely,
- or in a logic to migrate a digital bulk to another system,
- or in a logic where the bulk will last.
But you need the right approach to be able to maintain it at a good level of quality over time, which is not quite the same thing.
The idea was to make a comparative overview as objective as possible on the main bulk analysis tools found on the market.
Three open source products: Archifiltre, Octave and Resip are three tools that will allow to process numerical queries with some variants. There is not necessarily an obvious and systematic complementarity between these three tools.
- These are tools that are not intended to manage very large volumes and that can be deployed fairly easily.
- They are available free of charge.
The fourth product is the everteam.discover tool, published by Ever Team. It is a tool that will be on the same theme, with a number of distinctions and contributions vis-à-vis open source digital bulk solutions.
- It will be able to manage much larger volumes,
- It will allow to answer use cases that open source tools do not cover such as digital bulk analysis on silos such as SharePoint
- It will also address features that these tools do not offer, such as personal data detection, or the ability to perform searches.
- discover has the ability to manage the lifecycle in digital bulk, in addition to migration and remediation functions.
what to remember:
With regard to this bulk cleaning strategy, we can see that there are different types of solutions depending on the volume problems and the type of treatment you want to carry out.
Feedback on the implementation of an electronic archiving system at ORANO
- Jean-Mathieu Bonnefous, Orano Group Record Manager and CR2PA representative
- Noureddine Lamriri, VP Product Marketing – Everteam
Animation: Clémence Jost – Serda Archimag Group
The main objective of this conference was, as the title indicates, to provide feedback on the implementation of an archiving system at Orano. This is a large-scale project, innovative and which allows to offer a testimony on a very concrete experience of implementation of an electronic archiving system. It also combines the consideration of specificities specific to the management and governance of information.
Project background
From the outset, Orano focused on better data governance, and in this dynamic decided to carry out a project to manage structured documents in a transverse manner.
The team in charge of the project has identified several assets by the implementation of an archiving system, by also integrating a management dimension:
- to optimize its operational performance,
- enable the group to adapt to future developments, particularly in terms of digital formats, as well as in terms of its obligation to secure its information assets,
- beyond the heritage dimension, to improve the value of the information that Orano possesses.
There were several defined objectives.
- guarantee the durability and demonstrate that document conservation within the Orano group is based on a conservation policy and not linked to individual initiatives,
- demonstrate compliance with the obligations to which the Orano Group is subject,
- give an image of transparency to the control authorities.
At the operational level, the group is organized on a long process finally rather simple: the documents are selected and sorted, qualified then, they are stored to guarantee their conservation and at the end of their life cycle, what can be destroyed, are eliminated.
To meet all these obligations, Orano has set up a project called Alexandria. This project aims to
- from a technical and functional point of view, to meet a certain number of key principles
- from a software point of view,
- to allow the description and application of the archiving policy
- to offer functionalities that allow archives to be retrieved, described and deposited, and to finely manage rights and authorizations,
- to be able to manage the main processes related to archive management, to be aligned with the software requirements of the NFZ 42013 standard.
Things to remember:
On a project like Orano’s,
“it’s important at the internal records management department level to have strong support throughout the project from the beginning, to have sponsors and departments that understand the value of the project that’s going to be implemented and to keep them informed of those goals, throughout the project.”
- Do not run the project in isolation, but manage it globally as an enterprise-wide information governance project.
- It also means having a transdisciplinary approach and being able to call upon the necessary skills as the project evolves.
- Also work and communicate around the referral network.
“You must always try to have a realistic vision of the project, not hesitate to rework the schedule, to adjust your ambitions at the technical and functional level, and to always listen and find the best balance, the best consensus. In the end, to get the best possible result within the deadlines, depending on the means and software available.
System files, shared network drives, collaborative tools and messaging. It becomes urgent to govern their content.
- Adrian Ciocan – GED Product Owner _ La Maif Group.
- Noureddine Lamriri – Everteam
The title is quite explicit and finally concerns, once again, a conference around digital books, either on the system, or on shared networks, or on collaborative tools or messaging
The idea here is to turn this conference mainly around the analysis of the market and the observation within the companies around these main digital bulk. And then to have a testimony from Maif on an example of digital bulk processing.
Market analysis
According to the study made by SERDA, presenting the evolution of the volume of information from 2010 to 2025, the flows increase and the curve is exponential. SERDA 2022 report .
Another observation made by the Basecap Analytics site which specifies that in companies, the distribution on is done in the following way:
- 15% of critical data that exists today in companies and is clearly identified.
- 33% of the data that companies possess is absolutely useless, which they manage at their expense
- 52% that is unclassified information that is not known, that today is kept because it is unknown, because it can potentially hold critical data. As a result, companies are driven to keep that information in the narrative at the major points of concern or major points of interest.
(link to Noureddine’s slides) https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1AMAW9jIL9SLTYw9YUddwmy0rz6TMW2Pp/edit#slide=id.p1
How Maif handles its digital bulk
MAIF, in the context of its activity, has paper archives, which can be described as bulk:
- misfiled documents,
- paper documents, little writing
- Many of the documents were contracts that had expired but were still kept because we were not able to know which documents to keep and which to destroy.
- areas of non-compliance with MAIF obligations
- we keep information for nothing.
Maif’s choice was to go digital
The objective: that all these digitized documents are then stored in an organized way in digital format, in a system that allows to preserve and secure these documents.
Points to remember within this project:
- more than 3 million sheets
- 15% were recycled and destroyed,
- 25% were kept in paper format,
- 60% in digital format, which represents a volume of two teras and which has been compressed by 55%.
“This has allowed MAIF to make a certain number of savings on storage space, to reduce risks by no longer keeping documents that were no longer necessary, and to increase efficiency in the medium and long term by having documents that are in a permanent format in PDF format.
And also having ways to access that information that are much more convenient, faster and efficient.”