2022 Retrospective
- Cécile Torres
Why not start this year 2023, going back for a few seconds to our Retrospective 2022.
2022 Retrospective and content created for you
- 5 new podcasts on spotify “Expert’s talk”
- 9 podcasts with English subtitles on Youtube
- 2 Webinars
- 5 items
- 1 Documation exhibition
- 1 event organized by our partner Viveris
- 1 participation in InfoGov Summit
- 1 participation to the SERDA day
- 2 User Clubs
- 3 Conferences on Documation
- 1 workshop on Solution trade show
- 2 partner meetings
- 1 white paper click to access
- 1 participation in Le Business Est Dans le Pré.
Did you miss them? The links below will allow you to access them directly :

2 Everteam Webinars (French only)
Omnichannelity: an operational method for improving customer relations.
Governing your data in France and in Quebec: is it the same thing.
4 Articles
5 Podcasts
In this episode, we are pleased to welcome Jean-Mathieu Bonnefou, who talks about the records management policy within the Orano group.
Everteam Software gives the floor to its employees to talk about their job. In this episode, Anne-Claire Girard talks with Alexandre Bailly and Corentin Blanc, who are doing their thesis within the company. Both are PhD students in the Everteam.
The role of IT in the implementation of an Information Governance program” or the need to control the data and document information assets, in a clean and secure manner. To address the subject, we are pleased to have Adrian CIOCAN Product Owner of EDM products Electronic archiving at Maif
Introduction Anne-Claire Girard Marketing & Communication Manager . Interview Noureddine Lamriri – VP Product Marketing Everteam Software News Everteam
“The archiving policy: the cornerstone of the documentation approach in the Safran group”.
In general, document risk management is an extremely structuring element in companies, and this argument won the support of the internal sponsor to launch the project.
“How did the PSA Group implement a major cultural change with record management? Thierry Le Guillou, Chief Information Governance Officer at Stellantis Group, answers questions from Noureddine Lamrirri, to understand the context and objectives of this structuring project.
- 2 participations as Guest in other podcasts
The episodes are available on spotity (French only) or on youtube with english subtitles.