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Intelligent Search

Intelligent search

  • My team members spend an enormous amount of time finding the right information in the various systems to make the right decisions.
  • We need to connect data from many systems to provide a consolidated search system and views for our different business lines.
  • We have a significant amount of customer/vendor/employee information located in messaging, file sharing systems or business applications, which would give us a more complete picture of our customer and vendor relationships if it could be federated.
  • We have to manage content, from multiple subsidiaries, in multiple languages, and we want to improve our search relevance and retrieve the right documents in a timely manner.

Opt for an information governance oriented technology framework
Our cognitive search tools will allow you to combine modern search technologies with artificial
intelligence (AI) to extract the full value of your content and make searches more efficient.

You will be able to analyze your content, automatically extract metadata, have the ability to
create search space and dynamic views on your data, allowing you to find the information you
need faster.

Our search engine, a true “insight engine”, is a powerful, efficient and intuitive tool.



“I have an aging and obsolete application that I want to decommission cheaply and quickly while being able to sort out what information to destroy and what to keep”

We spend a lot of money keeping an aging application running just to store the data we need to keep.

Following a recent acquisition, we need to combine data from two similar systems and remove one of them.

One of our enterprise systems has performance issues due to the amount of data stored, much of which is no longer useful on a daily basis.

We are concerned that the information on many of our older systems is at risk because they are no longer properly maintained.

As part of our digital transformation strategy, we decided to streamline the number of existing applications in favor of new digital solutions.


Need to talk directly?

If you are interested in any of our products, fill out the form, we will call you back as soon as possible